Beauty tips that we are about to share might sound a bit strange, unusual and even weird, but sometime the most unexpected things make the biggest difference in our beauty routine. Most of these beauty secrets are for girls but some of them guys can use as well. Let’s get started:
Beauty tip N°1:
To get rid of puffiness around your eyes use a simple tea spoon. Put it in the fridge for 5 minutes and when it’s cold enough, use it as a treatment for reducing the swelling. Slices of cucumber or potato can also be useful in solving the same problem. Put either a potato or cucumber slice on your eyes, keep it on for 10 minutes and it should greatly help.
Beauty tip N°2:
Make an easy scrub while on holiday. Chilling under the sun on the beach, scarab your body with sand mixed with water, it’s perfectly natural and healthy way to do it.
Beauty tip N°3: Again, if you have a vacation in a sunny country, you can easily create natural hair highlights using lemon juice. Just mix it with water in proportions 1:1 and apply it on thin sections of your hair and go out in the sun. The acid in the lemon juice will react with the sun’s rays and lighten your hair. And it will look extremely natural!
Beauty tip N°4:
You can whiten your teeth with the help of strawberry. Just take one strawberry and rub it into your teeth or mash up the strawberry into the paste, then dipping your toothbrush in it, brush your teeth. If you do it for couple of times, you will notice significant whitening of your teeth. All this because of the acid content in the strawberry.
But make sure to rinse your mouth thoroughly afterwards to reduce acidity in the mouth. Don’t use it every day, not to damage your teeth.
Beauty tip N°5:
Fight pimples with toothpaste. This sounds weird, I know, but it definitely works. Apply the toothpaste on the pimple before sleeping and you will get rid of this uncomfortable problem, usually, overnight. It should be a plain white toothpaste. This can be a good alternative on occasions when you don’t have a proper spot treatment at hand or when you are out of your usual acne cream – but remember, that it should be used rarely. (It’s a good tip for when you find yourself on a desert island, for example :)).
Beauty tip N°6:
Now almost everybody knows about the existence of a dry shampoo, which is a very convenient and quick alternative of usual washing of the hair. But if you don’t have a dry shampoo, you can use a baby powder (talc) instead. For better result apply it with a big makeup brush on the roots of your hair and then, take away the excess by brushing your hair with a usual hairbrush. You hair will be refreshed and will look as if you’ve just washed them.
Beauty tip N°7:
Lips stains are very popular nowadays. The unexpected place where you can find a lip stain is your fridge. I’m talking about beetroot. Yes, this red/purple vegetable makes an amazing and natural lip stain. Dap a little bit of it’s colour on your lips and you will look just amazing! And by the way, this kind of colour is very fashionable now. 
Beauty tip N°8:
When you don’t have your usual shampoo at hand, mix (thoroughly) 2 or 3 eggs in the bowl and wash your hair with this substance, when you massage it into your hair you will notice that it will even make a foam. After, rinse it as usual and apply your conditioner. But if you want to go all natural or you don’t have a conditioner at hand, then you can mix 3 table spoons of vinegar with 1 litter of water and add couple of drops of any aromatic oil, this will add shine to your hair and the aromatic oil will infuse a very pleasant scent.
Beauty tip N°9:
Cut the lemon in two parts and dip your fingers inside, so that all your nails enter. Keep it for 10 minutes, this will strengthen your nails and prevent their fragility.
Beauty tip N°10:
Your makeup remover is finished and you don’t have time to go to shop and buy the new one? That’s alright, remove your makeup using olive oil which is not only very gentle, but also hydrating and filled with vitamins.
I hope you found some of these beauty tips interesting. If you know any other strange but useful beauty secrets, please, share them with me in the comment’s section.
Stay happy and beautiful!