
Tuesday, June 3, 2014

DIY for luscious pink lips

DIY tips for luscious pink lips in this summers

Summers can really be harsh on skin as well as for your lips as well. But you don't have to burn a hole in your pocket by going for expensive treatments just a few simple tips when practiced on a regular basis, will help you to keep your luscious lips in the harsh summer.

1. Exfoliate your lips: 

One of the easiest way to exfoliate your lips is gently rubbing your tooth brush on your lips after you have brushed. You can use a soft bristled tooth brush to gently exfoliate the lips by using a lip scrub to get rid of dead skin, which will give a smooth pout but and plump lips.

2. Lemon and honey mix: 

To get rid of lipstick stains or dark lips use a mixture of lemon juice and honey and massage it on your lips for about 15-20 minutes. Rinse well.

3. Moisturize it: 

Another way of treating chapped lips is using a mixture of honey and milk cream. Mix honey and milk cream and apply it all over your lips and massage it. Leave for about 15-20 minutes or even overnight for better results.

4. Lip plumper: 

If you want to have a plumper lips but don't want to go under the needle then apply a small amount of peppermint or cinnamon oil on your lips before going to bed.

5. Eat healthy: 

Eating healthy is beneficial not only in terms of health but also for lips. Eating fresh and healthy along with drinking loads of water will help you to keep your pout sexy and luscious.

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